Policies and Procedures

This domain area considers an organisation's policies and procedures. The commitment to being trauma and ACE informed embedded and sustained by policies and procedures that have been reviewed to ensure that they support this ambition in how they are intended, written and understood.

On this page you will find resources from ACE Hub Wales exclusively available to the TrACE Space to support you in taking forward your self-assessment and action planning in this domain area. There are also practical examples and learning from organisations who have already implemented change in relation to policies and procedures.

In this video Jess, one of the TrACE Project Managers, gives a brief overview of the policies and procedure domain area. 


Here you will find resources to help you consider how you can review your organisation’s policies and procedures, to ensure they take account of the principles of the trauma-informed Wales framework. You will find guidance on how to  support your organisation to consider policies and procedures and why they are an important part of the overall implementation of the toolkit, ensuring that positive change is embedded and sustained in the  underpinning structural support.   

Policy and Practice Guidance

This guidance document focuses on the 'Policies and Procedures' domain area of the TrACE Toolkit and aims to support organisations with considerations and examples


Aberystwyth University Case Study

Applying a trauma-informed lens to Academic Registry’s letter informing students that they have been permanently excluded on the grounds of ‘failure to progress’.

Academic Registry at Aberystwyth University invited their TrACE project to review the letter sent letter to excluded students. The collaboration, using ACE Hub Wales’s Guidance for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice, reviewed review the current document to ensure that messages conveyed to students were compassionate, supportive, and clear on what to expect and where to get support.

Read more here