#TimeToBeKind - 2019

With almost half the people in Wales having experienced an ACE during childhood, our objective was to start changing attitudes towards those who have experienced ACEs and create a more “ACE aware Wales” by encouraging people to be compassionate and understand that everyone can play a role in building resilience in children.

In 2019, we worked with Cowshed to run our first four-week public awareness campaign across Wales.

With almost half the people in Wales having experienced an ACE during childhood, our objective was to start changing attitudes towards those who have experienced ACEs and create a more “ACE aware Wales” by encouraging people to be compassionate and understand that everyone can play a role in building resilience in children.

We worked with the #TimeToBeKind message using a national TV advertising campaign targeted at all adults in Wales and via digital advertising on YouTube TrueView. We also used social media to share the advert video, encourage people to show acts of kindness and asked people to share their kindness stories.

The campaign results

  • Press coverage

    Seven pieces of press coverage, including one piece of broadcast coverage throughout the campaign period

  • TV Advert

    The TV advert achieved 2,182,233 impressions across Wales.

  • Learning

    We learnt that this campaign was a great initial awareness raising exercise but in order to encourage behaviour change, a longer, more robust campaign was needed.