Adverse Childhood Experiences Knowledge Hub

Research and reports from ACE Hub Wales and Public Health Wales

  • What Works to Prevent ACES at the Community Level – evidence review and mapping exercise: An evidence review and mapping exercise report and poster. The review found a number of interventions which are successful in preventing and mitigating ACEs with a focus on community based initiatives which provide a joined up response to adversity. The case studies detail three projects: a community hub for young people, domestic abuse services for survivors and their children and outdoor experiences for children who are looked after and foster carers.
  • What Works to Prevent ACES at the Community Level – identifying and supporting projects across Wales report: The aim of this project was to identify and map further community projects; to understand the most effective methods of supporting these projects as well as barriers to engagement; and explore the impact of services on community groups.
  • Tackling ACES State of the Art report: This report brings together what is known about ACEs across Europe and internationally, showing the on-going toxic impact that ACEs can have across the life course and how ACEs and their consequences can be prevented. The report supports the development of a trauma-informed society that is invested in action to prevent ACEs and better support those affected by them.

Combined effect of ACEs on violence, health-harming behaviours and mental ill health

This journal article explores findings from across England and Wales to examine the relationship between child maltreatment, witnessing violence, and household dysfunction and the risk of being involved in violence, engaging in health-harming behaviours, and experiencing mential ill-health.

Journal Article